Sejarah Singkat
Universitas Ankara (bahasa Turki: Ankara Üniversitesi) adalah universitas negeri pertama yang didirikan di Republik Turki pada tahun 1946. Universitas ini didirikan oleh Presiden Turki pertama, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dengan tujuan untuk memajukan pendidikan tinggi di negara tersebut.
Kampus dan Fasilitas
Universitas Ankara memiliki kampus utama yang luas di Ankara, ibu kota Turki. Kampus ini memiliki berbagai fasilitas modern, seperti:
- Perpustakaan yang lengkap dengan koleksi buku dan jurnal ilmiah
- Laboratorium penelitian yang canggih
- Ruang kelas yang modern
- Asrama mahasiswa
- Fasilitas olahraga
- Kantin dan kafe
Universitas Ankara juga memiliki beberapa kampus lain di Ankara, termasuk:
- Kampus Tandoğan
- Kampus Cebeci
- Kampus Dikimevi
Program Studi
Universitas Ankara menawarkan berbagai program studi di berbagai bidang, termasuk:
- Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
- Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Matematika
- Teknik
- Kedokteran
- Kedokteran Gigi
- Farmasi
- Keperawatan
- Ilmu Pendidikan
- Ilmu Olahraga
- Seni Rupa
Universitas Ankara menawarkan program studi sarjana, magister, dan doktor. Universitas ini juga menawarkan program studi internasional dalam bahasa Inggris.
Reputasi dan Prestasi
Universitas Ankara adalah salah satu universitas terbaik di Turki dan dunia. Universitas ini telah menghasilkan banyak alumni yang berprestasi di berbagai bidang, termasuk:
- Perdana Menteri
- Menteri
- Diplomat
- Ilmuwan
- Penulis
- Seniman
Universitas Ankara telah menerima berbagai penghargaan internasional, termasuk:
- Times Higher Education World University Rankings: 501-600 (2023)
- QS World University Rankings: 801-1000 (2023)
- Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU): 1001-1200 (2023)
Jurusan dan Biaya Kuliah di Ankara University Tahun Ajaran 2024 – 2025
FAKULTAS | 2024‐2025 Academic Year Tuition Fee (Per Semester)(Turkish Lira) |
Faculty of Language, History and Geography | |
German Language and Literature (German) | 39.900,00 TL |
American Culture and Literature (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Anthropology | 26.600,00 TL |
Archaeology (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Bulgarian Language and Literature (Bulgarian) | 39.900,00 TL |
Geography | 26.600,00 TL |
Geography (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures | 39.900,00 TL |
Linguistics | 26.600,00 TL |
Armenian Language and Culture (Armeniae) | 39.900,00 TL |
Philosophy (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
French Language and Literature | 39.900,00 TL |
Folklore | 26.600,00 TL |
English Language and Literature (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Spanish Language and Literature (Spanish) | 39.900,00 TL |
Italian Language and Literature (Italian) | 39.900,00 TL |
Japanese Language and Literature | 26.600,00 TL |
Classical Archaeology | 26.600,00 TL |
Korean Language and Literature | 26.600,00 TL |
Protohistoria and Near Asia Archaeology | 26.600,00 TL |
Russian Language and Literaturen (Russian) | 39.900,00 TL |
History of Art | 26.600,00 TL |
Sinology | 26.600,00 TL |
Sociology | 26.600,00 TL |
History | 26.600,00 TL |
Prehistoric Archaeology | 26.600,00 TL |
Turkish Language and Literature | 26.600,00 TL |
Faculty of Dentistry | |
Faculty of Dentistry | 106.300,00 TL |
Faculty of Dentistry(English) | 159.450,00 TL |
Faculty of Pharmacy | |
Faculty of Pharmacy | 99.700,00 TL |
Faculty of Pharmacy (English) | 149.550,00 TL |
Faculty of Educational Sciences | |
Teacher Training in Computer Sciences and Teaching Technologies | 39.900,00 TL |
Teacher Training at Pre‐School Level | 39.900,00 TL |
Special Education Teacher | 39.900,00 TL |
Guidance and Psychology Counseling | 39.900,00 TL |
Teacher Training at Primary School Level | 39.900,00 TL |
Teacher Training in Social Studies | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Science | |
Astronomy and Space Sciences | 26.600,00 TL |
Biology | 26.600,00 TL |
Biology (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Physics | 26.600,00 TL |
Statistics | 26.600,00 TL |
Chemistry | 26.600,00 TL |
Chemistry (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Mathematics | 26.600,00 TL |
Mathematics (English) | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Fine Arts | |
Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Nursing | |
Obstetrics | 39.900,00 TL |
Nursing | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Law | |
Faculty of Law | 53.150,00 TL |
Faculty of Law (English) (For International Students) | 79.725,00 TL |
Faculty of Theology | |
Theology | 33.300,00 TL |
Theology (English) | 49.950,00 TL |
Faculty of Communication | |
Journalism | 33.300,00 TL |
Public Relations and Advertising | 33.300,00 TL |
Radio, Television and Cinema | 33.300,00 TL |
Faculty of Engineering | |
Computer Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Biomedical Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Electrical & Electronic Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Engineering in Physics (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Food Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Geophysical Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Geological Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Chemical Engineering (English) | 89.775,00 TL |
Constructional Engineering | 59.850,00 TL |
Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering | 59.850,00 TL |
Faculty of Health Sciences | |
Nutrition and Dietetics | 33.300,00 TL |
Child Development | 33.300,00 TL |
Orthotics‐Prosthetics | 33.300,00 TL |
Health Management | 33.300,00 TL |
Social Services | 33.300,00 TL |
Faculty of Political Sciences | |
Labor Economics and Industrial Relations | 39.900,00 TL |
Economics | 39.900,00 TL |
Business Administration | 39.900,00 TL |
Business Administration(English) | 59.850,00 TL |
Public Finance | 39.900,00 TL |
Politics and Economics (English) | 59.850,00 TL |
Political Science and Public Administration | 39.900,00 TL |
International Relations | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Medicine | |
Faculty of Medicine | 159.450,00 TL |
Faculty of Medicine (English) | 239.175,00 TL |
Faculty of Applied Sciences | |
Actuary Sciences | 39.900,00 TL |
Real Estate Development and Management | 39.900,00 TL |
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences | |
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences | 73.150,00 TL |
Faculty of Veterinary Sciences (English) | 109.725,00 TL |
Faculty of Agriculture | |
Garden Plants | 39.900,00 TL |
Plant Protection | 39.900,00 TL |
Landscape Architecture | 39.900,00 TL |
Aquaculture Engineering | 39.900,00 TL |
Aquaculture Engineering (English) | 59.850,00 TL |
Dairy Technology | 39.900,00 TL |
Agricultural Economy | 39.900,00 TL |
Agricultural Machinery and Technology Engineering | 39.900,00 TL |
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation | 39.900,00 TL |
Field Crops | 39.900,00 TL |
Soil Science and Plant Nourishment | 39.900,00 TL |
Animal Science | 39.900,00 TL |
Agricultural Sciences (English) (For International Students) | 39.900,00 TL |
Universitas Ankara adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi para pelajar yang ingin mendapatkan pendidikan berkualitas tinggi di Turki. Universitas ini menawarkan berbagai program studi di berbagai bidang, dengan fasilitas modern dan reputasi yang baik.
Bagi kamu yang ingin kuliah di Ankara Üniversitesi , kamu bisa mendaftar kuliah di Turki dengan bimbingan dan pendampingan oleh lulusan alumni turki langsung yang tentunya berpengalaman bersama Fatih Gazi Education kunjungi websitenya
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