Profil Ondokuz Mayis University
Universitas Ondokuz Mayıs (Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi – OMU) adalah universitas negeri yang terletak di Samsun, Turki. Universitas ini didirikan pada tahun 1975 dan dinamai berdasarkan tanggal 19 Mei 1919, yaitu hari kedatangan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, pendiri Republik Turki, di Samsun untuk memulai Perang Kemerdekaan Turki.
OMU merupakan salah satu universitas negeri terbesar di Turki dengan reputasi yang baik di bidang pendidikan dan penelitian. Universitas ini menawarkan berbagai program studi di berbagai bidang keilmuan.
Lokasi dan Kampus:
Universitas Ondokuz Mayıs memiliki dua kampus utama di Samsun:
- Kampus Balcalı: Kampus utama yang terletak di pinggiran kota Samsun.
- Kampus Sarıçam: Terletak di pusat kota Samsun.
Selain itu, OMU memiliki beberapa fasilitas pendukung seperti:
- Gedung perkuliahan dan laboratorium modern
- Perpustakaan yang luas dan lengkap
- Asrama mahasiswa yang nyaman
- Fasilitas olahraga yang lengkap
- Pusat kesehatan
- Taman dan ruang hijau
Fakultas dan Program Studi:
Universitas Ondokuz Mayıs menawarkan program sarjana (S1), magister (S2), dan doktoral (S3) dalam berbagai bidang, seperti:
- Ilmu Kesehatan: Kedokteran, Kedokteran Gigi, Farmasi, Keperawatan
- Teknik: Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Industri
- Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sastra: Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, Sastra Inggris, Sejarah
- Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik: Ilmu Politik, Ekonomi, Administrasi Bisnis, Psikologi
- Seni dan Desain: Seni Rupa, Musik, Desain
Beberapa program studi bahkan ditawarkan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Visi dan Misi:
Visi: Menjadi universitas riset yang unggul dan diakui secara internasional dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pengajaran berkualitas tinggi yang berbasis penelitian dan berwawasan global.
- Melaksanakan penelitian inovatif yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.
- Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk kemajuan masyarakat.
- Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak dalam dan luar negeri.
Jurusan dan Biaya Kuliah di Ondokuz Mayis University Tahun Ajaran 2024-2025
Faculty of Medicine | |
Medicine | 175.000 TRY (PER TAHUN) |
Medicine (English) | 210.000 TRY (PER TAHUN) |
Faculty of Dentistry | |
Dentistry | 140.000 TRY (PER TAHUN) |
Faculty of Veterinary | |
Veterinary | 26.500 TRY |
Ali Fuad Basgil Faculty of Law | |
Law | 27.000 TRY (PER TAHUN) |
Bafra Faculty of Business Administration | |
insurance and Actuarial Sciences | 13.500 TRY |
Çarşamba Faculty of Humanities and Communal Sciences | |
History | 10.500 TRY |
State Conservator | |
Traditional Turkish Music | 40.250 TRY |
Musicology | 40.250 TRY |
Guitar | 40.250 TRY |
Piano | 40.250 TRY |
Turkish Classical Music | 40.250 TRY |
Faculty of Education | |
Teacher Training in German | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Biology | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Sciences | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Physics | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in French | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Mathematics at Primary School Level | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in English | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Mathematics | 10.500 TRY |
Music Teaching | 10.500 TRY |
Pre-School Education | 10.500 TRY |
Special Education Teaching | 10.500 TRY |
Guidance and Psychological Counseling | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Arts and Crafts | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training at Primary School Level | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Social Studies | 10.500 TRY |
Teacher Training in Turkish | 10.500 TRY |
Faculty of Arts and Sciences | |
Archaeology | 13.500 TRY |
Biology | 13.500 TRY |
Geography | 13.500 TRY |
Philosophy | 13.500 TRY |
Physics | 13.500 TRY |
Statistics | 13.500 TRY |
Chemistry | 13.500 TRY |
Mathematics | 13.500 TRY |
Molecular Biology and Genetics | 22.000 TRY |
Psychology | 13.500 TRY |
History of Art | 13.500 TRY |
Sociology | 13.500 TRY |
History | 13.500 TRY |
Turkish Language and Literature | 13.500 TRY |
Faculty of Fine Arts | |
industrial Design | 22.000 TRY |
Graphic Design | 22.000 TRY |
Drawing | 22.000 TRY |
Ceramics and Glass | 22.000 TRY |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences | |
Economics | 13.500 TRY |
Economics (English) | 26.500 TRY |
Business Administration | 13.500 TRY |
Political Science and Public Administration | 13.500 TRY |
international Trade and Logistics | 13.500 TRY |
Faculty of Theology | |
Theology (30% Arabic) | 10.500 TRY |
Faculty of Communication (Çarşamba) | |
Journalism | 10.500 TRY |
Public Relations and Presentation | 10.500 TRY |
Communication and Design | 10.500 TRY |
Faculty of Architecture | |
Architecture | 26.500 TRY |
City and Regional Planning | 26.500 TRY |
Faculty of Engineering | |
Computer Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Environmental Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
industrial Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Food Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Geomatic Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Civil Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Chemical Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Mechanical Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Metallurgy and Material Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Faculty of Health Sciences | |
Nutrition and Dietetics | 22.500 TRY |
Speech and Language Therapy | 22.500 TRY |
Midwifery | 22.500 TRY |
Nursing | 22.500 TRY |
Audiology | 22.500 TRY |
Orthotics and Prosthetics | 22.500 TRY |
Healthcare Management | 22.500 TRY |
Social Service | 22.500 TRY |
Child Development | 22.500 TRY |
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | 22.500 TRY |
Faculty of Tourism (Bafra) | |
Tourism Management | 10.500 TRY |
Tourism Guidance | 10.500 TRY |
School of Foreign Languages | |
Arabic interpretation and Translation | 13.500 TRY |
Yasar Dogu Faculty of Sports Sciences | |
Coaching Education | 17.500 TRY |
Physical Education and Sports Teaching | 17.500 TRY |
Recreation | 17.500 TRY |
Sports Management | 17.500 TRY |
Faculty of Agriculture | |
Garden Plants | 16.000 TRY |
Plant Protection | 16.000 TRY |
Agricultural Economy | 16.000 TRY |
Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Engineering | 16.000 TRY |
Field Crops | 16.000 TRY |
Zootechnics | 16.000 TRY |
Bagi kamu yang ingin kuliah di Universitas Ondokuz Mayıs, kamu bisa mendaftar kuliah di Turki dengan bimbingan dan pendampingan oleh lulusan alumni Turki langsung yang berpengalaman bersama Fatih Gazi Education kunjungi websitenya